Since we moved out of our last home the beginning of this month, the wildness of our situation has gone into overdrive... Long days and even longer nights! Work until 2 am, come home and start again the next morning... That's where I've been. But the time is drawing near where those days will be behind us!
It's strange for me to look back on the pictures of where we started with this place...
Oh, we are getting close... So what is left?
-stain and finish the rest of the floors
-trim the closets
-paint the closets
-finish plumbing
The floors are being hit hard this week, so they should be done by Sunday...
Is it possible we will finally be moving in by next week?
I am saving the rest of the new pictures for "The Big Reveal". Keep checking back in the next week or two!
Side note* Our new well is not clearing up... possibly going deeper. Your continued prayer for our water would bless us immensely!