A lesson from Peter:
(An excerpt from
Fish, Peter!)
One night I was in a boat with friends.
A wind pitched the boat up pand down.
Waves nearly drowned us.
Then we saw Jesus walking on the water!
It can't be Jesus, I thought, nobody walks on water.
"Maybe it's a ghost," someone whispered.
"Don't be afraid," we heard him say.
"Jesus, if it is you," I shivered,
"Tell me to come to you."
"Come," he said.
I jumped out of the boat- and walked!
The wind hit me like a wall.
A wave slapped my chin.
I got scared -- and started to sink.
"Help, Lord!" I screamed.
Jesus caught me.
"Why did you stop believing?" he asked...
The Farmhouse Version:
We have so much to do in so little time.
Flooring, wall repairs, kitchen installation, purchases, bathroom installation, getting the well working, getting water heater and pressure tank coordinated and working, painting, lighting, doors...
So much -- we are nearly crumbling under the weight of it all.
Then I heard His voice beckon me through the words of a children's book.
It can't be Jesus. He doesn't talk to me like that.
Maybe I'm just imagining this is for me.
"I am here. I am in control." I heard Him say.
"Jesus. If this is really you, bid my heart be still." I begged.
"Be still." He said.
I stepped out in peace. I entered the chaos with a sure foot.
Time flew by in a hurry -- the dust in it's wake stinging my eyes.
Lack of imperitive progress -- it's fist offered a punch to my gut.
I became fearful -- I floundered in the mire.
"Help, Lord! Things are going awry!" I wailed.
Jesus touched my heart.
"Why did you stop believing?" He asked...
Was this farm not a gift from Him?
Will he give us a fixer-upper yet fail to help us fix it up?
The task at hand appears
more and more impossible by the day. BUT...
My God is God of the impossible.
I will rest in that.
Let the waters rise...
(You will want to pause the piano music player to watch this.)
*Note: At the very top of this page I added a bar that makes it easy to donate to World Vision. Please help in the Japan relief effort! World Vision is a credible Christian organization that specializes in helping impoverished countries and relief efforts.