Friday, March 4, 2011

Oh the JOY - Freebie Friday!

Sometimes, you meet a new friend...
and from the moment she speaks her first words, all the years you did not know her no longer exist.
She knows exactly who you are, what troubles your mind. Your heart
She not only puts into words that which you long to hear but also the words you need to hear.
And you become changed.

I have recently made a friend like that.  And she doesn't even know it yet.

I had not known much of the blogging world until I decided a blog would be a great way to journal our experience ...and let the whole world know what we were doing at the same time! 

As if the whole world would care.

I began looking, searching, finding blogs to get inspiration on how to even embark this endeavor.  And I remembered... I had heard of a blog.  Unknowing that I would find more than a successful blog... I found wisdom.  The Lord, in His GOODNESS, reached through the miles of cyberspace, through the heart of a servant girl, just to touch mine.

My new friend is Ann Voskamp.  She shares her gift of eloquence and annointed wisdom on her blog at  I've linked to her site quite a bit in the mere two weeks that my blog has been telling our story. 

Today's Freebie Friday gift comes from a section on her blog called "Free Gifts for You" and is just that!  "A Free Gift for You"... whoever wins it, that is!  It is her list called 10 Points of Joyful Parenting. (click on link to read the 10 points)

I have framed and matted it -- The mat I have covered in a charming cream and earth green fabric. 

I can't compel you strongly enough to enter to win today's giveaway. 

I want to glare. Flesh consumes my desire to live the Light.  I storm. The weakness of one's mind is relative but always true.  My voice raises.

I need a reminder.  In my face.  Something beautiful to remind me...

LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.  Don't abandon it's beauty!  The calling God has placed on me as a mother is breathtaking.  Remember to breathe. The ability to live fully with JOY, despite the attacks of this world and the one from it, is priceless.  Though the cost is myself.

This week, again, there are three ways to enter to win... and please! Enter all three ways!  I have removed the need to sign in so, whether you are a single person, a mother, a grandmother... A DAD, this is for you.  It is for anyone who needs a little help in this life until THAT DAY.

  1. Go check out A Holy Experience and comment below of anything you thought, felt, liked, whatever... from that blog.
  2. Follow One Hundred Years Ago by clicking the follow button on the upper right side of this blog.  Leave a comment you have done so.  Current followers: again, just leave a comment that YOU ARE ALREADY FOLLOWING.  If you don't leave a comment, it will not count as an entry.
  3. Repost this giveaway to your Facebook.  Just click the little "f" at the bottom of this post, and it's done.  You never know who might need what we are giving away today!  Leave a comment letting me know you posted to your Facebook.
Contest ends Monday at 11:59am (Who was I kidding last week?  I am not up-n-at-em by 7:59 am!)
Good luck to all!

Alicia Grace



    For the life of me? I can’t get it all right. And heaven and earth both know I am a miserable mess away from perfect and this is exactly why, when you keep falling short that you’re bruised knees just have to bend at the table of communion, and say, yes, please.

    The art of celebrating life isn’t about getting it right — but about receiving Grace.


  2. My heart smiles at that too! Thanks Jordyn!

  3. Posted to facebook...and here's to helping mom's and dad's everywhere to be better parents from coast to coast!
    Love the blog and your pictures are amazing! I really should start to get some good ones of this bunch too! Love you~ muah

  4. Well, I for one will be posting my limit to win this!!

    I need Jesus.

    I need His life.

    I need the perfect, sinless sacrifice of Jesus Christ who can take all the broken messes and make them into mosaics of Grace.

    That is what I loved about that particular post. More of Jesus, less of me.

    Becca T.

  5. Shared link and I am following your blog too :) XO


  6. Shared the link. ;)

    Becca T.

  7. I am following your blog, I am so blessed!
    ~S. Keller

  8. A messy life...
    I forget how we should surround ourselves with friends such as her. How just her words can lift me up and remind me how I ought to live and teach. Love this blog, A Holy Experience. I know I need reminding all week long how my focus should be on teaching and showing my children (and anyone I am around) how wonderful a great relationship with the Lord can bless us. Thank you for sharing this and I love the children's tie dye shirts holding the baby! ;) Warms me up. I sure do miss you. Perhaps we can start a community on that 4.2 acres and we can all live together happily ever after?!

  9. I am already following. And probably a little addicted and wondering why you couldn't just write and have several posts a day?! lol Just love listening to the thoughts that enter you. God bless ~ ox

  10. he he! :) What a compliment... thank you ranglebrandt!

  11. I am following your blog, you simply amaze me. :)
    <3 Sarah

  12. "Regardless of the mess of your life, if Christ is Lord of your life, than we are the celebrants out dancing in a wild rain of grace — because when it’s all done and finished, all is well, and Christ already said it was finished."

    I find this amazing... as I have gone through life and questioned why I have been dealt what I have been dealt (my "mess", even though I have never felt it to be an ACTUAL mess in the sense of the word) I know that I was picked for a reason and they (my kids) were chosen for me for a reason, reasons that I don't NEED to understand, I just accept it and know that one day they will be able to be ridded of all of their burdens. And until they are the most wonderful gift from God, and to the rest of the world and I will enjoy every moment of my "mess" :)

  13. I like what Becca said, "more of Jesus less of me". This was totally what I was thinking of today as I have been going with about 4hrs sleep today. Thank you Becca!!! Thank you Jesus for always showing me your ways. Such an amazing blog you have Leesh. Muah~

  14. Been wanting to follow, but kept forgetting to push the button, makes me do it, this!!

  15. Posted to FB, sister of mine. Oh how I love you!

  16. Yesterday as all the stress was getting to me and I was just about to "loose it" I remembered
    "Just Breathe" :) Thank you for that Lishe!



  17. Praise the Lord Jordyn! I need to remember that more myself! (eh-hem... like about an hour or two ago!) God is good and it's awesome to have "sisters" to do this stressful-about-to-loose-it life with! Thank YOU!

  18. Just posted on fb, too! :) I love all the other comments tonight. I'm not feeling too poetic, but your post was so refreshing after my constant state of losing it this weekend!

  19. "And these kids we’re raising, they keep falling down, and parenting’s this way of bending over in humility to help the scraped child up because we know it takes a lifetime to learn how to walk with Him." -- This is a quote I like from her most recent blog. My little boy sure falls down a lot, and even when he could just as easily get up and brush himself off, to see him come running to me for comfort melts my heart to the floor. This is a good reminder for me that Jesus wants me to run to him for comfort in the same have-to-have-you-now way my son does to me. For sure in the big things in life, but even the little bonks that sting, if only for a minute.

  20. God is so good to reveal Himself... He actually loves us so much that He moves through blog posts. That is saying something friends!!

  21. I liked the "being in the power of right now"

    What if I wake up every morning with the intention of being present in the present?

    What if I remind myself—when things get crazy and loud and off-the-wall—to breathe and stay present?

    What if I purposefully live, every second of every minute of every hour of every day God gives me?

    Living fully in every moment, being present in this present (the “gift” God gives me!), glorifies God. Being wise with my time, instead of floundering and squandering when I know I have more important priorities to meet, is worship to Him.

  22. I am now following :-)


  23. What I liked from A Holy Experience ....

    Graces unexercised are as sweet perfumes slumbering in the cups of the flowers: the wisdom of the great Husbandman overrules diverse and opposite causes to produce the one desired result, and makes both affliction and consolation draw forth the grateful odours of faith, love, patience, hope, resignation, joy, and the other fair flowers of the garden. May we know by sweet experience, what this means.” ~ Charles Spurgeon


  24. i've been following. i've welcomed the chance to re-acquaint with you since somehow real life just gets in the way.

    i like being in the now, it's something i hope i've learned over the past 2 years. 'now' can be painful, and gritty, but it's also beautifully awkward in its growth!
